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About Gemini Moon Yoga

Gemini Moon Yoga creates videos with content intended to help you on your self-care journey; to find your calm in a world often filled with stressors. Gemini Moon Yoga also offers one-on-one and small group virtual sessions in several movement styles including vinyasa flow, hatha, gentle, and yin, plus yoga nidra and guided relaxation. There is something for everyone, of every age and ability level, from chair yoga to power yoga.

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About Dawn:

Dawn is a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance.

“I self-identify simply as ‘a creator,’ but my titles are Theatrical Lighting Designer, Writer, and Registered Yoga Teacher.  I’m aware that from the outside, it’s an odd combination, but after pushing myself to extremes in a highly competitive 3 year grad-school program at UT Austin, (often placing self-care and even sleep at almost zero priority) I found myself unhealthy and burned-out.  That’s when I found Yoga is a perfect form of self-care, and since that time, my relationship with myself has changed nearly 100 percent.  Now I self-identify as someone who strives to be healthy on all levels.  

Originally, when I first pursued teacher training, I only did it to deepen my own practice, I did NOT intend to teach!  But over time I came to realize that sharing the gift of yoga is not only rewarding, it feels like the right thing to do.  I love variety, so I love teaching the extremes: power classes and relaxation classes.  I believe that yoga is meant to be accessible to everyone, and it is my personal goal to help all my students experience what yoga can do for them.”

What I love most about yoga, is that no matter how long you have practiced, you can always see how far there is to go, and at the same, time how far you’ve already come.
— Dawn